

GreenBot's suggestion feature lets member of your server make suggestions that leads to a single place. Furthermore, you can approve or reject those suggestions. You can also customize the reactions the bot uses.

Suggestions Options & Features

Setting Suggestions Channel

  1. Use the /settings command.
  2. In the Dropdown, chose Suggestions.
  3. Press the Set Channel button.
  4. Send a message that contains a channel mention or ID.

If you want to change channel in the future, you can use the same method, however, the button will say Change Channel now.

Setting the Suggestions Channel

Changing Suggestion Reactions

  1. Use the /settings command.
  2. In the Dropdown, chose Suggestions.
  3. Press the Change Reactions button.
  4. If you want to use default options, choose options 1 through 5, and that's it. If you want to Set your own, press the 6th button.
  5. Send a message that consists of up to 5 emojis.
Changing Suggestion Reactions

Setting the Suggestions Ping

  1. Make sure you already have created a role that you want to be used.
  2. Use the /settings command.
  3. In the Dropdown, chose Suggestions.
  4. Press the Change Suggestions Ping button.
  5. Send a message that contains a role mention or role id. (To reset it, send Reset)
Setting suggestions ping.