GreenBot has a couple of moderation features and commands. A lot more is planned for the next update of the bot.
Setting Up Moderation
Many moderation features of the bot will require you to setup moderation first. This is quite simple to do, use the /settings
command, select Moderation
and then follow through the guide, selecting what you want. Remember, you can change these options later again in the /settings
Moderation Commands
Listed below are GreenBot's moderation commands.
- This command will lock the current channel by setting permissions for all roles to deny sending messages. Please note that this saves a copy of the current permission overwrites, so when you unlock it, it will restore it to exactly how it was before. -
- This command will unlock the current channel. It restores permissions to exactly as they were before the lock. -
- This command locks the entire server. In order for this to work, the server needs to be setup a specific way. Click here for more information. -
- This command will mute someone for a specified time, or 28 days if no time is provided. This feature utualizes Discord's Timeout feature. -
- This command unmutes a member from the server. -
- This command will purge up to 100 messages at time, either from anyone or a specified user. You can also specify to clear a single message. -
- This command can kick a member from the server. -
- This will show the warnings, kicks, mutes, and bans of a specified user.
Moderation Features
Listed below are some moderation features, such as automod that GreenBot has.
- File extension filter: GreenBot can delete messages when they contain attachments with specific file formats, or discord links that lead to those attachment. For example, you can block all
files from being attached in yoru server. - More coming soon!
Upcoming Features
A lot of moderation features are coming soon. To get an idea of what is planned, see below, but note that nothing is definiate, and things may change. Also no ETA.
- Bad words (automod)
- Invite Filter (automod)
- Repeated Text (automod)
- Scam/Phishing Link Detection (automod)
- Mass Mention Filter (automod)
- Automated Actions
- Ability to delete warnings
- Bans
- Select different channels for different audit logs